After a long search, Rosa Maïtea finally discovered the workshop of her dreams, capable of meeting a demanding set of specifications: using recycled gold and diamonds, and 100% traceable gemstones while providing perfectly made jewelry.
This workshop located in Mumbai, India, is run by a family whose secrets of the craft of jewelry craftsmanship have been passed down from generation to generation.
This workshop has obtained the certificate: "Responsable Jewelry Council" (RJC), an international organization whose mission is to certify the good practices of companies contributing to the responsible gold and diamond supply chain, from mine to distribution. Recently, the RJC has included gemstones and gemstones in its approach, thus improving the transparency of sourcing.
From the very first contact, our partners showed a genuine interest in the Rosa Maïtea project. They support us and are committed to working with us in the search for relevant solutions to the challenges we have encountered. Even before Rosa Maïtea came to fruition, they trusted us and we are deeply grateful.